Just back from a relaxing vacation in Pennsylvania and presumably tick-free I'm ready to begin the important work of Blobbing. Living in a mountain cabin with only 3 phones and 2 TV's it's easy to lose touch with the outside world but that's never stopped me from weighing in with an ill wrought opinion or two.
I was most relieved to hear that global warming will soon be a thing of the past...the "Live Earth" concerts are almost upon us and I've received word that The Pussycat Dolls have signed on to do the big London show! Optimistic at 1st, I searched through their lyrics to find examples of concern for the environment and was surprisingly disappointed. I'd hoped that maybe they weren't that materialistic when I read "It ain't all about the bling you bringing" from the song "I Don't Need A Man" but then in "Flirt" they sing: "wanna chill in my Lamborghini?" which left me feeling like the PCD's must leave a fairly large stiletto heeled carbon footprint after all. All is not lost though...the Black Eyed Peas will be there as will James Blunt (this generation's Dan Hill...you know...."Sometimes when we touch, the honesty's too much??....that guy) I'm feeling cooler already.
South of the border President Bush took advantage of my leave of absence to pardon Scooter Libby. If you don't know who he is then google him, but briefly, Scooter was a vice-presidential right hand man who lied under oath about the outing of Valerie Plame, a CIA undecover agent, who was married to Joe Wilson, former ambassador to Iraq, who had the audacity to publicly cast doubt on the "weapons of mass destruction" rationale for going to war. Here's a related clip and it's follow-up that are quite interesting:
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