"First of all, I don't know what the hell you're talking about. I went to catholic school! How could I possibly have written something so blasphemous??" Maria Callous aka Erica M, UnderworldPrincess
If you're like me then morbid curiousity keeps drawing you back to The Blob's comment section for the verbal pas de deux between the young and voluptuous Maria Callous and the aging yet spry Mikexxxster.
I've been acting as moderator and occasional arbiter but now you can add private dick to my list of occupations (or detective if private dick conjures up unhealthy images).
The Internet is the greatest democratizing force in the history of the universe and while virtually anyone may make any claim they wish, as is evidenced by the bold print above, anyone else (me in this case) may equally use the same Internet as a research tool and print a counter claim...and this for all the world to see!
That's our Maria 2nd from the left on the DVD cover and a quick fact check at the Amazon.com database reveals her teenage penchant for literature dealing with vampirism, necromancy, and in particular the works of Anne Rice. Her protestations about attending Catholic school are pretty laughable in light of this evidence and it appears these institutions aren't exactly the bastions of goodness that they purport to be. Thanks to my research I've discovered a whole sub-genre of films devoted to that very topic. The debauchery, forbidden lust, humiliation, and nun-on-nun action that goes on was news to me but frankly I'm not surprised. Good taste prevents me from linking to these films but trust me, they are truly troubling. Religious surpression of human sexuality often leads to perversion and yes....even at our finest Catholic girl's schools!! This discord between the sacred and the profane that must exist within most nuns is well represented here in this film clip featuring Kate Winslet and Ricky Gervais: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k65iVJaLsro
Of course the best way to illustrate my point is with a link to the films I've mentioned but I cannot in good faith inflict this decadence on my readership. I did it once with the Paris Hilton in prison video and took a lot of flack so I suppose it's time to back down....wait a sec....what about my journalistic integrity?? Freedom of the press for heaven's sake??!!?! Damn the critics, here's the clip http://www.jess-franco.com/html/nonne/nonne-trail.html but be forewarned, it contains graphic scenes of female nudity, degradation, sadism, and unholy lesbianism....HEY where'd everybody go???
Hey Blobby, until now, I didn't know I could look so good in a miniskirt. Thanks for lifting my self esteem. You're a real pal.
ps. sarcasm noun 'sär-"ka-z&m
1 : a sharp and often satirical or ironic utterance designed to cut or give pain
2 a : a mode of satirical wit depending for its effect on bitter, caustic, and often ironic language that is usually directed against an individual
synonym see WIT
Thanks for that Kate Winslet Blobbie. Funny funny funny!!!
Maria...PB....I'm more than happy to have buoyed your spirits. Ok maybe not more, that would be ecstatic or something, which would be ridiculous...I'm happy though....pleased I guess. Yes, pleased.
Hail, King Blobbie!! You mentioned two or three posts ago the old parable about if you love someone, let him/her go, etc., etc.; I heard a comedian recently with a (sadly) more modern and cynical take.How things change in just a few decades! He said, if you love someone,let them go. If they come back, they are yours forever. If they don't come back, hunt them down and kill them. O tempora! O mores! Sadly, dear Blob, the downward spiral continues. On a much happier note, pb is spot-on about Kate Winslet. She is my Dream Nun!!! I get all squiffy when she talks like that!!! Something tells me SHE would enjoy the tea and biscuits at the H E Bates Society meetings!!!
I have to admit I'm often too lazy to check out your film clips, partly because my computer is so goddamn slow. I made an exception for the kate winslet video and I'm glad I did! What a hoot. Thanks, Blobby!
Vivvy is so right!! The Blob (and Blobbie hisself,of course)is a blessing to us all!!! How we love him!!! But still, I have this feeling that we should send him away.......
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