That's the question that has been on everyone's lips of late as the Blob's most prolific correspondent has become conspicuous by his prolonged absence. I was at a loss to explain the sudden disappearance until I happened on the following magazine as I passed a newsstand on the way home from work. A trusted source, a plausible scenario, and all of a sudden I'm fearing the worst. Please, ple
ase say it ain't so!!

Well color me relieved!! I'm glad you're alive and contributing again and I'm not at all surprised that the Uzbeks are involved or that they had been somehow spurred on by the low-brow Turkmenistanis (and no doubt financed by the meddlesome Tajiks)
I wasn't at the book club meeting in question and if what you're saying is true then I'm afraid Dixxx that I'm going to have to place the blame directly on your doorstep. Of course the Uzbeks got wind of your discussion of "On Snooker"...why wouldn't they?
If you'd have heeded the 1st rule of the book club charter; "There shall be NO discussion of the chosen book" this never would have happened. Maybe we can all learn a little something from this unfortunate incident...or maybe you did it on purpose which if you ask me is a little far to go for an anal probe...I'm sure half the guys in the book club would have obliged
I too am glad to see you are back, Dixxx. (Agent xxx sexe). The girls art sharx were far to alluring to be simple N.D.G. chicks; somehow I knew they must be a diabolically engineered cadre of Uzbeks.
As for the anal probing, I think we all enjoyed that, a little more than the baby jesus might allow.
Oh well, all are safe, and just a little sorry after that stimulating encounter.
Glad tohave you back!
What book club?
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