There are certain red letter days that mark all of our lives. We'll never forget where we were when Kennedy was killed, Team Canada beat the Russians, the tragic events of 9-11 etc. One of the greatest days of my life included my first performance at Carnegie Hall. I was already on cloud 9 heading to the 1st orchestra rehearsal when a friend of mine casually asked if I'd heard that televangelist Jim Bakker ( husband of tammy Faye) had been caught screwing his secretary. Not too long after, another, even more heinous TV preacher named Jimmy Swaggart was caught with a hooker and a really ugly one to boot. These were the golden days of my youth.
The recent outing of right wing politician Mark Foley gave me a brief jolt of nostalgia and a modicum of satisfaction at seeing yet another hypocrite destroyed but today's news about Ted Haggard means it's official. Strike up the band....happy days are here again!
Haggard is widely regarded as one of the 25 most influential evangelists in th U.S. and lobbies extensively against gay marriage. Mike Jones is a gay escort who tired of the hypocrisy and outed Haggard with radio broadcast details of a 3 year long tryst that had sexual sessions accompanied by crystal meth. Haggard has admitted only to receiving massages from Jones (he didn't elaborate as to exactly what was being massaged with what though) and to buying the drugs out of curiosity but never having used them. Today he stepped down as head of the NAE (national evangelists association). Tomorrow we'll probably start hearing about the titanic struggle he's been waging against the inner demons that have haunted him since the sexual abuse he suffered as an adolescent. That seems to be the script these days.
Richard Dawkins, noted scientist and atheist, produced an excellent TV series in Britain a few years back and this link leads to segment one (there are 5 that you may want to watch). Haggard is featured prominently and am I wrong or does he not look quite gay? This could be a case of 20/20 hindsight but then be the judge.
1 comment:
I can't say I'm surprised that another holy-roller has bitten the dust, but wow! He really bit it! I'm grateful to you, O Blobster, for finding that YouTube segment on Ted Haggard. Very educational. I'd love to see the whole documentary.
My question to you is (and now I guess I really have to think of one)...oh, yeah, why has it come to this; that in order to make it in politics in the good ol' U.S. of A., one has to claim a fervant belief in God? It's really pretty scary. I don't know whether I'm letting the cat out of the bag here, Blobby, but aren't you kind of...dare I say it...American, yourself? So you can answer this question better than most.
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