Wed, November 8, 2006
Syringe spurs ham recallUPDATED: 2006-11-08 01:39:27 MSTPrecautionary order issued after casing found in meat at Ontario packerBy CP
KITCHENER, Ont. -- A syringe casing found jutting out of a ham at a Maple Leaf Foods processing plant prompted a precautionary recall and a police probe
Need I say more?? First Munson's with the E coli and trychinosis (see archives june 7th and Oct. 10th) and now Canada's own Maple Leaf co. with their own quality control problems. Sure ham is delicious but is it really worth the risk? A good cut of kosher (or halal for our Arab friends) quality meat properly slaughtered, salted before cooking, and boiled into submission may prove to be the only way of getting animal protein safely into our bodies. All I know is that I've never had to check a "nice piece flank steak" for a used syringe. Who can honestly say that about ham today?
1 comment:
This comment is actually about that whole embarrassing mouse confession, which I only just read. If it makes you feel any better, getting a cat is not much more humane, as they tend to enjoy torturing their prey before finally giving them the final death bite and leaving the bedraggled remains (often headless) on the proud cat owner's pillow or bath mat or some other prominent place where he/she will be sure to come across it. I have it on good authority that the average house cat is just not hungry enough to be a humane killing machine. Of course, you could starve your house cat until he becomes a humane killing machine; but then you'd have to confess again, and I just couldn't handle any more of your pathetic wallowing.
I believe E.R. is on tonight. Maybe if you're lucky there'll be a segment about euthanasia and you could pick up some pointers.
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