Rather than being true to herself Nelly has apparently handed over control of her image to a team of weasels. I can't blame her for trying to cash in but it's sad that she has to whore and hip-hop herself up like so many other young singers in an attempt to wring the big bucks out of the lowest common denominator. her latest album "Loose" features the rapper Timbaland because the formula says there has to be a rapper. The hit songs are "Promiscuous and "Maneater" but I believe her overall message to girls is something along the lines of be proud and don't just give it away (yeah right). Yet another supposed role model doling out the mixed messages as though they were those crappy molasses candies at halloween.
Just when things were as bad as I thought they could get along comes Barbara Streisand with an album that is nothing if not a sure sign of the apocalypse. "Duets" features Babs, a host of rappers, and strangely, Luciano Pavarotti. She has also revamped her image and appears to have undergone extensive plastic surgery (and I thought she was just hospitalized for a hip replacement). Collagen, lipo, boob job, the works!!
According to her publicist the diva is hoping to empower her generation...."Barbara doesn't feel she has to be dictated to by time and gravity and neither do her fans. It's a timely and positive message."
If you're a kindred spirit and like me, have tired of the continuing decline of civilization then perhaps you'll join me in a mass suicide that I'm planning for sometime after the new year.

Geez Blob -
I know you're just looking for some laughs with the Streisand, but you're really sounding like a crank with the Furtado. Who cares how Nellie
Furtado's career's being pitched? And of course
our popular culture's revolting. I can't believe
that would really get your dander up.
[what's really bothering you?]
Dennis -
I knew I'd find you here. [why haven't you been
returning my calls?] You have to call me, Ma's
sick again. Call me at my Miami #.
[sorry Blob, don't mind us]
Avner Stern
Thanks for joining the fray once again and for lowering the average age of my readership to the respectable mid-thirties range. Ok....I'm with you on the hip hop although does EVERYBODY have to do it??
As for the apple crisp, the way it was described to me by your Mom (phyllis) it sounds more like a culinary homage to the tar sands of your beloved province than something I'd actually want to eat. (BTW "The Joy of Cooking" is on the shelf next to the kitchen table.)
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