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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Reassurance from Washington: "Just business as usual in Pakistan"

It's hard to believe but we're already closing in on the 30th anniversary of the Iranian revolution. Remember how the population held mass protests against a US backed dictator until the whole government collapsed and morphed into a despotic and dangerous theocracy?
That misguided and self-serving behaviour has become the cornerstone of US foreign policy and Washington is every bit as addicted to it as these Pakistani lawyers are to their morning cup of coffee. They went after Saddam when he outlived his usefullness, they removed Noriega from the CIA payroll then got rid of him too, there's the aforementioned Shah of Iran and the list goes on.
They relied on Gen. Pervez "coup-coup" Musharif to aide in their ill conceived war on terror and we all may soon be paying a heavy price. Those opposition members who have not yet been jailed have gone into hiding and rumor has it that Benazir Bhutto has fled the country and is being replaced by a Nana Mouskouri impersonator. By now we all know that the north of the country, Waziristan or something, is the anarchic launching pad for many Al Qaida and Taliban attacks. Let's sit back and see if the country disintegrates into a radical, terrorist friendly,west hating, Islamist theocracy that unlike Iran, already has the bomb!!
If the present Pakistani regime somehow manages to hold on to power will they not emerge from the struggle emboldened and resume the sabre rattling with India over the disputed province of Kashmir? (something to do with tapestries or sweaters I believe).
If any of you have been planning on seeing the Taj Mahal I suggest you book your flights now because the entire region may be a Planet of the Apes style radioactive forbidden zone within a year and a half. This was something I had to get off my chest...the hubris of this American administration and others that preceded it never ceases to amaze me...I'll try to get back to more familiar Blob staples such as tits and trombones ASAP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the last sentence, Blob. I was beginning to think you had abandoned we, your core audience!