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Saturday, May 27, 2006

Amateur Orchestras: Curse or Blight

Here's an interesting post I just received:

Dear Blob,Why do people go to amateur orchestra concerts? They sound bad and are
really boring. I assume it's only the orchestra members' families and friends
who happily slap down money to go to them. If not, please help me to understand.
Signed, Music Snob

Thanks M.S. and by "amateur orchestra" I'm assuming you mean adults and not kids because we all agree that the world needs youth orchestras.
Within the ranks of many an A.A.O. (adult amateur orchestra) there are likely to be a couple of fine musicians whom for whatever reason decided early on to get a real job. The rest of the group all share a passion for music and an almost painful lack of talent. They deserve an outlet and if they can raise a few bucks to keep up the rental payments on the church basement then more power to them. That being said they aren't forcing you to attend these concerts and, if you happen to be somewhere and one starts you can simply leave, just like turning the channel if something on the tube is offensive (see my "In Defense of PBS' Display of Graphic Bestiality" post).
As to why people voluntarily go to these things your "friends and family" assumption is right on the money. In some eastern European countries attendance is also looked on as an act of penance.

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