(ed. note: We think he meant World Cup Update but he's tired and cranky... didn't have the heart to mention it)

The World Cup of soccer is in full swing. Africa, at long last and to the great joy of her citizens, is now first among equals in the great family of nations.
During the opening ceremonies as we were welcomed back, with open arms, to the source of our origins I couldn't help but get a bit choked up. First Obama and now this...bye bye White guilt and good riddance!!
I watched a short film clip about the vuvuzela, new to me and apparently some kind of indigenous instrument that the locals played with great delight. It looked and sounded almost identical to the plastic blowhorn I had as a kid, but what did I know.
I still remember my last blowhorn; I was 11 years old and brought it to a sparsely attended Expos game. I played it loud and lustily and around the 7th inning a nearby drunk asked to take a look at it. "Sure" I said and watched as he calmy held an end in each hand, broke it in two and handed it back to me!!
Well...there are thousands of 11 year old me's at any given world cup match and the rest of the planet has turned into that ballpark drunk. Infuriated and vengeful but this time with no recourse. Commentators, columnists, and bloggers have raled and foamed at the mouth. FIFA tried to ban the instrument from all stadiums but all to no avail. The horrid, annoying, loud buzzing noise is with us for another 3 weeks, like it or not.
This clip is more or less typical of the bitter tone that has characterized the uproar.
"What can they possibly be thinking?" you may well ask. The source of so many of our most engaging and enduring forms of popular music and THIS is what they come up with??
Its like the nerdy, poor kid from a backwards family who's parents finally let him have a party in their basement because they won a 50" 3D plasma TV and everybody wants to come check it out and they serve sardines and cream soda and he pulls the chairs out from under the cool kids as they're about to sit down and cracks up and squirts them with water pistols all night (and cracks up).

That's pretty much how it seems on first glance but here at The Blob we like to scratch below the surface to see what worms of truth we can unearth.
My South African operatives put me in touch with Mbuko Seke Ngolobasele, and elderly gentleman who was there at the beginning of what he calls "the vuvuzela movement".
"The instrument was invented some 10 years ago ... a plastic version of a horn that has been used for many years by the Duduk tribesmen to talk across great distances while tending to their herds. Then we got the World Cup the people in the slums and shanty towns started to talk. "We will get nothing from this " they said "but still, the world will come to our doorstep!" And so it began. We are a poor continent, maybe backwards in the eyes of some, but we understand revenge as well as anybody else. We were all encouraged to buy the vuvuzela, it is not expensive, and in churches and elsewhere we were taught to play it as loud as we could and with the most brittle of tones. After centuries of exploitation at the hands of imperialists...enslavement, rape, pillaging, plundering of our wealth, support of the most bloody and corrupt regimes... No we are not rich and cannot afford many bombs but we would have our revenge!!"
And so the African fans, in a tremendous display of passive/aggressive retribution are ruining our party and clearly delighting in doing so. I guess we deserve it but in 3 weeks it'll be all over, the playing field will be even once again and we will all emerge winners!
That's a South African instrument? We've been using it in the pit for years! Although it's used less for cheering on soccer games and more for cheering on the Big Guy as he plays his own version of what the british call football. He calls it "headball". A little gross but I think some sections of the South African people would enjoy it. It's become a tradition down here just like the World Cup. Mind you there's not much competition because the Allcranky wins every match. Our next challenge is to get headball going up on earth. Hopefully it will go as well as Testicularball, you know, the one the Lord came up with. Now that's a tradition you would need your own instrument for!
I knew Mbuko Seke Ngolobasele; I served with Mbuko Seke Ngolobasele. Mbuko Seke Ngolobasele was a friend of mine.
You, sir, are no Mbuko Seke Ngolobasele.
Ted [Broadway[ Dossy
I don't get soccer. How can you get so excited about a game that might include 1-2 goals? If that many? BORING!!!!!!!!
Are you suggesting that a 6-2 hockey game is inherently better than one that ends 1-0?
Are you bored by baseball games that happen to
be no-hitters?
Do truck drivers forever wish they were small boys?
Which of these questions doesn't belong and why?
Ted Dossy
Are you Big Eddy Dossy or are you related to Al Dossy (or Leo "Pin cushion" Dossy?) because I agree with everything you asked and I never agree with a thing those other 3 say...ever!
Ahh Underworld Princess, so exquisitely dark and yet so woefully misinformed. You know nothing of the Lord's work and have fallen pray to your dark master's misinformation campaign. HE came up with testicleball too but it never really caught on up here except with some rabid, self-defence lesbians and the French soccer team. Consider yourself educated.
Dear Ted Dossy,
Yes, in fact I AM suggesting that a 6-2 hockey game is inherently better than soccer. Baseball is even more boring to watch than soccer. Though baseball and soccer may be fun for kids to actually play, as a spectator sport for adults, they are boring. I can appreciate that, at least with soccer players, they are amazing athletes. But there in ends the fascination.Baseball you can play fat and drunk and it would have little effect on the out come of the game. Great "sport" baseball. Am I being clear enough Ted Dossy? I am a fan of mud wrestling and foxy boxing however.
Bite me
Ted Dossy! Lord have mercy! How long it has been!!
How is life treatin' you, my man Broadway, you ol' bastard? Don't you be mindin' this "Anonymous" chap, he's sounding real stupid, to be sure!
But he is right about one thing, I must say... ok, two things... mud wrestling and foxy boxing (haha! I just played a VERY long, VERY loud note on my vuvuzela!)!!!
Do you think this UnderworldPrincess is a sporty girl (wink wink! OK! One more LOUD and LONG note!!!)??? I hope so!! Haha!!
Be well, ol' friend!!!
Dear Mbuko Seke Ngolobasele,
Once I have awoken from this World Cup induced coma I have fallen into, you too may bite me.
I wasn't comparing a 6 - 2 hockey game to soccer. But, you know, whatever. It's probably not worth arguing with you, I expect you're a decent fellow
if one doesn't define you solely by your ignorance.
Matter of fact - just as an exercise - let's isolate your
ignorance. It sounds pretty formidable, with definable features and maybe even its own face. Let's call your ignorance Shaeffer, just to pick a name out of a hat.
Anyway, let's all go out for a drink sometime; you,
me, Mbuko, Blob, Underworld P., etc. Just leave Shaeffer at home, and we'll all have a fantastic time.
Yikes - here's my bus.
Ted [Broadway] Dossy
Dear Ted Dummy,
Blahblahblah, you are almost as boring as soccer. Any thing else you would like to drone on about?
bite me
Wow this is turning into the most interesting feud since Patty-May knocked my grandmother's jello over during lunch.
Please pardon the day it's taken me to get back to you, I got my you-know-what stuck you-know-where.
Anyway; first you dismiss me, then you ask what else I have to say. Why the mixed signals? You're in a lot of pain, aren't you?
[I know, I know, "bite me"]
Patty-May would've had to defecate on Grandma's jello for that feud to be anywhere near as interesting
as this one. [and even then]
Scott Glenn
[for Ted Dossy]
Scott (please tell Ted),
Patty-May and Maria's grandma both live in the same home. You really don't want to know the details of their feud (hint: there was uterus involved)
Editor's Note:
Ms. Callous,
The error that you cited has been corrected. (their>there)
We were all at Quizno's and it simply slipped through the cracks.
We here at The Blob appreciate the vigilance and input of any and all readers, especially the pedantic bitches.
Kum ba ya, people, kum ba ya... you are makin' de Baby Jesus and Nelson Mandela cry...
Visit us at pedanticbitches.org
Ummm, Maria? How do you feel about Foxy Boxing?
Hey Maria! Don't hit Chuck too hard... he wasn't known as The Bayonne Bleeder for nothing!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Blob! I suggest you do another post real soon... know what I'm sayin'?
Yer so fuckin' funny, Joe... and as I recall, so manly too... what an asshole... yer not even worth an exclamation point, btw...
"Manly yes, but I like it too!"Ha ha! Just kidding (not really!)!! Remember that old Irish Spring commercial, Blobster?
Oh, what good fun we all have here at The Blob! It's all just so delicious, I swear! Two ex pugs getting all riled up... I love it!! All that testosterone!!! I tell you Blobber, I can SMELL the masculinity (be still my heart... ha ha!!)!!!
But Blobbie? This Joe Bugner fellow has a point... isn't it time for another post, ol' pal o' mine?
Whaddya you think, Blob? Am I man enough for you, pardner?
yer buddy, Toby
New sponsor?
It is to laugh, Blob, it is to laugh! TWO followers? After all this time?
Why, when I was alive, I had twelve followers... ok, they weren't all A-listers, if you know what I mean, but still... TWELVE followers! When I was your age, I had been dead for eighteen years...(!!!) yet, by then, I had even MORE followers!! And today? HA! Don't even ask! All the result of HARD WORK, my lazy friend!
While here on Earth, I worked My Ass off (no time for the ladies, even... well, ok, except for Mary Magdelene... oy vey, such a woman!!)... I remember saying to some lame-ass loser in the Tabernacle when I was only eleven or twelve, "wist ye not that I must be about My Father's business?"
And way-back-when, well before My time, some sharp cookie said, "Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings."
You see where I'm going with this Blob? If you want more followers, you must "plow deep while sluggards sleep, and corn-a-plenty you shall reap!"
No more fuckin' around, Blob! I'm warning you!! Your very soul depends on it!!! I'M NOT KIDDING!!!
Thus sayeth The Lord. Amen.
What he said.
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