The date was July 24th, in the year 2007 and The Blob made special mention of a little show that could on the occasion of its 5000th performance
Almost three years later and with legions of fans clamoring for more, producer Burton Scheissman has delivered the goods with a spectacular new musical that is only two weeks away from its official opening.
"Of course there will be lots of euphonium but we've changed the setting to Paris and there is a love story too. I can't give too much away but...have you ever had to choose between the woman you love and an instrument that looks better than she does??!!"
Critics who've seen the preview have raved and tickets are almost impossible to come by after low brass lovers snapped them up in record time.

New songs like the poignant "Oh Papa, (without you I'm but an Oom)", the bluesy tuba feature "You Can't get No Lower", and the boisterous and hilarious "Euphonium Can Can, Can't" will haves fans of the original EUPH!! tapping their toes and lining up yet again for a return visit!!!
"Shree, doo doo rah, shwee shwee
plah, shoo yoo plah,
dwee, dah dah shrah, shrah plah rah...
Bim, soodili deebili squadili poppily,
dopey dopey dopey popey,
Doppy doppy poppy sloppy,
Wee da raw... squidily squidily sawww...
Hey! Thank you! Thank you very much, Blob! How 'bout a show based on The Human Horn? That would be me! As I said to that fine young man from the television that time, some fellows blow their horns, but I blow myself!
I think you and I could do some fine, fine work together; let's do lunch some time soon!
"Dway, sidleya bydilya dweetin dweetin splaw!!!!!!!"
You can reach me down at the U.S. Postal Service, my lunch break is from 12:15 to 1:15...
"Dwit'n do rahhhhh!!!!!!!"
Wow, Blobbie, are you shittin' me?!?!?!?
Something tells me I may not sleep tonight!!!
Well, Blob... to tell the truth,
I'm one of those critics who's seen the previews of Euph!! 2!!, and, let me assure you, I'm raving, but not about this pathetic dog's breakfast of a show... the joke on "Old Broadway" is that the Helen Hayes Theater box office has been flooded with a phone call, which turned out to be a wrong number... this show is about as exciting as a Sunday afternoon church-basement tea party for retired eunuchs...
No, Blobeleh, "You Can't get No Lower"...
Dear Mr. Barnes,
As much as I'd like to ignore the haters in my midst, your comment leaves me little choice but to respond.
Without wasting too much time I'll simply say that your irrelevance to current theatre is only mitigated by the fact that you're dead!!
Touche, Blob! Well done! Personally, I loved Euph!! 2!!... such beautiful music, and the lyrics, oh, the lyrics!! Why, I felt that I was riding The Baloney Pony all the way to... well, you know, "Wings of Gossamer", and all that sort of thing, don't you know...
This deceased Clive Barnes fellow has all the relevance of the boiled egg one sometimes finds up a koala bear's bum, if you see what I mean...
Tinkery Tonk, and stiff upper lip, old chap!!
I'm glad to see that Euph!!2!! Has caught on on the Blob because that's all anyone can talk about in gay old Paris ( and I do mean gay). I was asking the local girls where to shop and what museums to see and all they could talk about was the "hheuphonioum!" Crazy frenchies. Btw Blobby, don't listen to the dead old guys or even the half dead old guys. They couldn't find a good broadway show if it were telling them what belt to wear with their caramel loafers. I heart Euph!!
Marie Kallus
Euph!! 2!!
Why I'd even pay money to see that!
As long as it didn't cost more that $1.50, last more than 3 minutes, and have free parking. Sure, why not? Count me in.
Unless, of course, it was playing alongside that other blockbuster, Timpani Alley...... then I'd have to choose.
On second thought, I think I have to wax my legs.
Really... I hate to sound like my wife (who I love dearly, BTW, and let me assure you, buddy o' mine, she loves me, too... oh, yeah!!! OH, YEAH!!!), but what's it been, two, three weeks??? How about a new post???
Sometimes, I swear... it feels like it's been months!!! Do your duty, man!!! Grow a pair (any idea what she means by that, Blobber ???)!!! A pair of WHAT, Blob,WHAT???
Anyhoo, as you can tell, I'm more than a little upset... the Hot Cops have disbanded, my acting career is in the toilet... I feel that I'm about to go out of my little green Chinese mind... and, YES, I've had a few snorts (well, EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!) tonight... so sue me!!! Blobeleh... is it true the husband is always the last to know?
Blobbie... tell me... I have to know... IS MY WIFE GAY?????
Hahaha!!! That's gold, Tobias, GOLD!!! You crack me up... you're WAY funnier than Jerry!!!
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