Mikexxxster said...
Hey, Blobber; HELP!!!
Graham James, the notorious hockey coach/sexual predator, a number of years ago was granted a full pardon by our Federal Government...
Thanks for your question or in this case, cry for helpful advice, Mikexxxster. For those of you who want to read his unedited and lengthy letter please refer to the comment section in the previous post (bring pyjamas!!)
I, along with many other right minded folk, have been pondering this question of late in light of the recent upswing in Catholic church sex scandal news. It seems his holiness Pope Benedict, when it comes to priestly pedophelia, has a history of at best benign neglect and at worse complicit cover-up. This from a man who today we are supposed to see as infallible. Sure the word "infallible" only applies to matters of Catholic doctrine and where in the manual is there a passage that prohibits rogering boys? Where I ask you??
At any rate, maybe he just made a mistake here and there, nobody's perfect.
"Perfect mistakes" do exist of course and should be rightly distinguished form "lucky breaks" and "fortunate errors". Serendipity as exemplified here (check the undoctored name of the Times Berlin correspondent covering the latest Vatican scandal)
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article7065824.ece plays a part but it's only part of the story. It's as though the mistake, in confluence with it sorroundings, leads to more than the sum of its parts. Here is a small but perfect example:
At least in Tiger's case there was informed consent and porn stars.
The abuse of power by the clergy is a shameful and ongoing story with a CEO at the Vatican who seems to have little ability or interest in defeating the problem and not enough oversight and quality control over his branch offices.
One man who seems to have found a solution, albeit in the realm of science/fantasy, is noted author David Jerome who's Turd Stuffington boy's adventure series has thrilled readers for almost 20 years. Says Jerome: "It's high time that I dealt with this issue in a way that wo
uld educate, entertain, and appeal to my core audience of pre-teen boys. After all, what boy wouldn't want to be rescued from a vile villain by the likes of a dashing astronaut!!" As for the introduction of a new character he continued: "Batman had his ward Robin, Dr. Quest had his associate Race Bannon. It's high time that Turd Stuffington had a sidekick of his own!"

wow... thanks so much for the "help", Blob, you're a true friend... no wonder Jesus loves you... I feel so much better now...
regarding my "lengthy" post... you're quite right... anything that takes more than 2.5 seconds to read, in our pathetically dumbed-down, infantile society is probably not worth the trouble...
please forgive me for using grammatically correct, complete sentences to express myself... I don't know what was I thinking...
One more thing... Stuff it, Turdington!!! I trust I haven't wasted too much of your time...
Short posts good. Long posts bad.
I do what I can Mikexxster and despite your welcome sarcasm I will continue to try to answer any and all Blobworthy questions that come my way.
You are a staple here. Some would argue the very lifeblood of the comment section. Others would say that if Maria Callous is my voluptuous and angry muse you are at the very least her thin skinned, snippy, male counterpart!
Now go back and re-read the post that you felt was of no help asnd maybe, just maybe, hidden within the jokes and colorful pictures is the sad but true answer you seek.
(mysteriously vanishes)
BTW, The graphics are a bit fuzzy on the Turd Stuffington cover. His sidekick's name is "Doosh" Baxter. Former alcoholic cropduster turned alcoholic test pilot turned astronaut and a long time buddy of Turd's since they came up through the ranks together as "top guns".
ROGER BOYES???? YER PUttin' us on, right? What kinda messed up name is that, Blob?? Nobody has idiot names like that... his folks musta been a couple a nuts, I tells ya!!!! (get it, blob?) Oh yeah, the bulging dick thingy is good too! Where do ya find this sick shit??
Oh Yes!! AOK, GI Joe! A Lojer Boys! haha!So so vey funy name! Me rikee rottss arso! So sexy funy! Prus, Tiger Woo! Oh I like heem! Brob so hapy joly good tyime! I go now.
I was curious, if it pleases you at all Sir, if you wouldn't mind, not to offend or be seen as one who asks for too much , but if you could possibly see your way to using the spelling "paedophilia" in the future.
I think it lends a more clinical aesthetic to what many perceive to be an actual affliction , a condition , like alcoholism ,or homosexuality, or haemophilia, that one doesn't ask to have but is born with and has to spend a lifetime coping with.
Thank you Sir for your prompt attention to this matter
The pithier the better, I always say! I'm with Maria on this one.
However, the comment section wouldn't be the same without Mikexxxster and his alter egos. I for one, say, "Up with Mike!" And I second his chastisement of Turd Stuff. That guy is creepy!
Also, Roger Boyes?? How did he win THAT assignment, I ask you? Did they Google his name? Or several variations before they found an actual writer? (Let's see here...Chuck Diddles...nope...Roger Diddles...no.. Roger Child...no, too obvious...Roger Boyes! There he is! Writing for Popular Mechanics! And they say there's no God!)
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