Of course the really important news of the day was that Tiger Woods granted two short, one on one interviews. The first with the very hot Golf Channel personality, Kelly Tilghman...the second, with some guy.
Tiger has cost the PGA, and anyone associated with professional golf, untold millions of dollars with his philandering ways. When he's not around public interest drops way off and as such the choice of Tilghman as interviewer has the faint odor of revenge. After all, the Golf Channel sending a sexy, very white, woman to interview the straying golfer is like MTV sending a lit crack pipe to interview Amy Winehouse.
To his credit, Tiger managed to hold it together for the first interview but was clearly distracted during the 2nd.
Thanks to The Blob's "thought cam" we can get a better look at what was actually going on.

And so Tiger Woods continues on his tortuous path towards redemption as his country, led by another world famous Mulatto (what..is that not the right term these days?), passes a bill that assures that no family will be denied care for their autistic child's pre-existing condition or will be bankrupted (or worse) because of astronomical costs. The crazy right, you know; Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, Hannity, the Tea Partyers etc. are still mightily peeved that they lost the last election and that their fear mongering was soundly repudiated. Now this, and just when they thought they had something going again. The rhetoric and litigious nitpicking will now be ratcheted up and if you're not careful you may be swayed by the lies and vitriol. Watch Jon Stewart and stay the course! http://watch.thecomedynetwork.ca/#clip276647 (this is a tour de force....Glen Beck will never be the same)