MONTREAL -- Quebec is about to become a little less distinct. Le Soleil reports that the provincial cabinet has quietly killed a longstanding regulation that prohibited margarine manufacturers from colouring their product a buttery yellow.
The province had been the last front in Canada's margarine wars, which pitted a protectionist dairy industry against canola farmers and multi-national margarine manufacturers. For margarine consumers here, it has meant starting their mornings with an unappealing white spread -- think lard on toast.
Ontario repealed similar restrictions in 1995, but Quebec had stubbornly resisted. In 2005, margarine manufacturer Unilever Canada Inc. lost a Supreme Court challenge of Quebec's ban. Unilever had argued in part that prohibiting yellow margarine infringed on its "commercial freedom of expression." etc.etc.
With the stroke of a pen the 100 year old, sometimes acrimonious, always ridiculous battle between the Quebec Dairy lobby and the rest of the world has come to an end....or has it??
For ages we've heard the arguments: Consumers will be confused by yellow margarine and buy it when they in fact meant to buy butter, thereby reducing dairy sales which would hav

Today, finally, some of our elected representatives are trusting that we, the fat buying population of Quebec, aren't total cretins and will be able to tell the difference. I feel like I did on that wonderful day when my parents first gave me the car keys and let me go (minutes before I scraped against the illogically placed mailbox).
I've already zipped off my idea for a new ad campaign, a twist on the famous "butter scene" from Bertolucci's Last Tango in Paris (watch it here if you must)
and I'm hoping to hear from my pals in the margarine biz real soon.
Unfortunately this is Quebec and while I remember having to grow up in a world where, for a time, my dingy white spread came with a little packet of yellow food dye that we were supposed to mix in (I still recall my Mom sitting me down to explain the dye after I asked her about it and the sting when she told me the truth about how we were different) there are many other people with even better memories. For these people who want Quebec to be a seperate country, allowing our margarine to look like the margarine in the rest of Canada is yet another step towards cultural annihilation, greasing the skids and making a slippery slope that much more slippery.
Tomorrow, in the national assembly, some opportunistic, podium pounding, politician will rise and make an impassioned plea for a return to grey oleo. Don't ask where today's patriots are...they're right here in Quebec making sure we don't mistakenly put margarine on our "beignes Juif" (Literally "Jewish donuts" * the official translation, courtesy of the Office de la Langue Francaise, of bagels)
*Ed. Note - The O.L.F. suggested that translation during a more radical phase of it's existence. It has since softened it's stand and now accepts the more reasonable but still quite silly "baguel".
since we are on the topic of the anus, I have a question. If you have a sudden attack of explosive diarrhea and you are caught in a traffic jam....WHAT SHOULD YOU DO??????
Dearest BB,
Thanks so much for your timely question, this being the high season for summer automobile travel and produce related E coli.
I assume you mean an overpowering urge with an eye towards avoiding an actual incident and honestly, who among can say that they haven't had to deal with the very dilemma you speak of? Unless you're like me and have an iron will and a tempered steel sphincter then you'll have to look at some other choices.
1.PREVENTION your kegels daily.
Ladies, I cannot stress this
enough. A well toned area is
your 1st line of defense!! a rule, pop an immodium
or two before you leave the house
each day. It may cause a bit of
bloating and discomfort but
that's a small price to pay for
peace of mind!
Do NOT pull out of your driveway
without making sure that you
have onboard the following items:
A 4 quart sealable tupperware
container, Toilet paper,
Febreze, Windex and other
cleaning products, A disguise.
Failure to prevent or prepare
can be disastrous. Here are
your options: a) Shit on the road
b) Shit in your car c) Shit in
someone else's car (also known
as a "crapjacking")
Weighing out all the alternatives one can plainly see why prevention and preparation are so incredibly important. Like the good folks at CAA say: "Plan ahead and you'll keep happy motoring from becoming crappy motoring!!"
Blob, You are a Genius!!!. I never once thought of being prepared, even tho I was once a girl guide. Those useless guide counsellors refused to discuss topics that REALLY mattered. Would a car bedpan ( Carpan) perhaps be an enterprising invention? hmmmm, I think I'll make a call.....
Mmmmm.........l a r d .. o n .. t o a s t..........(!!)
Your girlfriend is a bit late with her carpan idea Blob.
I'm pretty sure those crazy Sicks or Shiks or Seiks or Sihks or whatever they call themselves and however you spell it use carpans all the time! You know how crazy those foriegn religions are, right Blob? I hear they carry their carpans with them wherever they go! Or maybe it's cause of thier hot spicy food. I dunno. Well, the men, anyways.And they never cut thier hair! What a bunch of crazy wierdos!Give me good old fashioned American Cristianity any day of the week. As long as it's Sunday. And only for 1 hour. Crazy wierdos!
Homer you're gonna get me in trouble with stupid comments like that. It's Kirpan (a ceremonial dagger) not carpan you idiot!! Apologies to all my Sikh friends and even to the one or two whom I can't stand.
Oh. Well anyways, thier still a bunch a dopes.
Ahoy, Master Blobbie! Permission to come aboard, Sir, if I may!! Yon scuttlebut below decks is that The Blob is the best "port o' call" in the vast , deep ocean that is the internets!!!!! Har matey!! 'tis so; 'tis so, to be sure!!! The photograph of Captain Bligh disciplining one of his crew (deservedly so, I'm sure!!) takes me back, Blob, so it does, so it does!! Butter, margerine, whale oil.....whatever greases one's capstan, eh, Master Blob?!?!?!
I hearken back to olden times, Blobbie, and I gets so sad; so's I do!!! So's I do!!! I remember, long ago, sayin' to Miss Purity of an evenin' (more than once, as I recall!! Har! Har!) ....."harrgghh, Miss Purity; I be in a fine lecherous mood this night!! You'll be bringin' me young Jim 'Arkins, and the whale oil!!!!! Young Jim would have put a glow on anyone's cheeks, so to speak, eh, Captain Blob??? Har!! Indeed he would!! Happy times, Blob, happy times!!! In me 'ead,I dance a jig to think on it!!! Well!! Here's the thing, Captain Blob!! Jim 'Arkins ain't so young as 'e was, is 'e?? But old Long John still has his needs, eh, Blobbie?? What's an old salt to do?
Help out an old sea-dog, won't you Master Blobbie?? Young master Huber; or young master Funke, for example, are they slim little trim little crafts?? Ready to sail uncharted waters, if you take my meaning??? Are they prepared to spend "Two Years Before My Mast"???? Har, Blobbie!! There's no joke like a seaman's joke, that there ain't, eh now???
Captain Blob!! You'll take this to be a shot across your bow, yes you will!!! You'll be sendin' me the aformentioned masters lickittysplit afore two bells, or I'll know the reason why!!! I assure you, and them; it won't be the decks they'll be a swabbin'!!!!! Just this once; I'll bring the whale oil!!!!
Now is it Long John Silver, or Long John Silver. The first one could be viewed as a respectable porn name, but the latter just makes you look like a washed-up Canadian sea-turd. Just one to think about for the ol' business cards, eh Matey???
All these comments seem to have gone wide of the mark. Weren't we talking about vegetable dye? Anyway, frankly, I always think the weird yellow margarine in Ontario is weird. It looks weird and it tastes weird. We all know it's not butter, why should anyone try to fool us into thinking it's MORE like butter just because it's yellow? I like white margarine. So there.
Dear mama C.
Thanks for getting us back on topic, although there's no accounting for taste.
I think you are weird, your taste in margarine is weird, and furthermore you are weird!
Thanks again.
She must be wierd, she's married to me!
At least I can SPELL weird!!
Isn't it "ee" before "euh" except after "beuh"
Now that's funny!!!
Yeah, that was pretty funny. Must admit. Funny.
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