Maria Callous says:
How is it that we've been spending so much time on T & A (and politics, for some reason), that we've forgotten completely about E!! I hate to be the one to bring this up, but there's a significant lack of Euph(onium) around here.
True enough, with all the goings on I've neglected the euphonium and low brass in general....the very element that has made The Blob such a hit in Bavaria and the stupider parts of Great Britain.
As luck would have it I've got an in with controversial illustrator Barry Blitt who sent me a rejected New Yorker cover that was seen as way to incendiary by editor in chief David Remnick: "The low brass lobby is very powerful and not very subtle when displeased, frankly I was terrified of the consequences of going with this image so we agreed that a Bin Laden/burning flag substitution would be less problematic."

Here's the rejected cover Maria...happy??
Obviously someone can't take a joke. And you call yourself a liberal.
Fortunately I'm only an amateur euphoniumist so that cartoon doesn't offend me. IN fact I find it quite humourous, in a low-brow sort of way. However, I can see some of my more incendiary colleagues getting quite irate over it, so, better it wasn't published.
All I can say is, thank God Bonemikexxxter (or however he spells it these days) is nowhere to be found these days and will probably miss the offensive pic, or you'd experience the newest phenomenon in the psych wards these days (just ask the Beaver), "Euph Rage". In fact, the real reason the Mikester hasn't been seen is he's spending seven days in solitary at the Douglas after another nasty episode at band practice last week. If you ask him, NICELY, he might even tell you about it. But I advise you to stand back.
Vivian, you are "way to" excited!
The only thing that offends in this rejected cartoon is the portrait over the fireplace.
Hi it the beard without moustache. I hate that look too!!
Lots of drinking going on tonightm fucking deal with it. right now im finishing some oute and then im gonna wake up damkn earyl to eat bacon with you bastards. gooood i haste you. buuuut cosmos are awesome cosmi c joke sucks and im reeeally good at typing. alsok, people who cant take jokes are idiots and barry blitt is a genius. amen.
I have always counted on the kindness of drunkards.
[glue-sniffers are also reliably in my corner, please
encourage any glue-sniffers you may know to post
comments Blob]
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