This is my blog, I don't have to pull any punches soooo...anybody with half a brain can look at the drawing and see that Blitt is satirizing the ridiculous, insidious attacks on the Obama's that have been ongoing for months. It's over the top and funny (to me at least).
These images and rumors have made it to mainstream media so we're not talking about the blatantly racist lunatic fringe that would show Obama with a noose around his neck or as a monkey...old, disgusting, images that are even too vile for FOX News. Instead we've gotten insinuations based on nothing: His name, carefully enunciated on right wing talk radio is Barack Hussein Obama (they love the Hussein part!!) so he's a Muslim, the fist bump with his wife was a terrorist gesture, she used the word "whitey", he doesn't always wear a flag lapel pin (where does his allegiance really lie??), he wore a traditional African costume in 2006 (SEE....he is Muslim!!). Blitt puts it all there on the cover and is now in the center of a raging shit storm recieving hundreds if not thousands of hate emails and the occasional threat.
Just google blitt-obama or some variation on that theme and see for yourselves. It's fascinating and disturbing to see the very wide spectrum of (mostly negative) opinion and amazing to see all the ink this is getting in the States at a time when there are about 10 issues of vital importance that should be getting a lot more scrutiny than this drawing.
I think Americans love this shit because it gives them a chance to divert their thoughts and actions away from the painful truth.
For Barry Blitt the shit is hitting the fan today. For the rest of the nation, content to quibble over meaningless minutiae, that day is not far off.
Oh yeah.....I'm thinking of setting up a series of safe houses for him and his family and call on all Blobophiles to chip in. He cleans up after himself and can be sociable with the proper medication.
Fuck America and Fuck Americans. Especially Barry Blitt, what a turkey (ie. communist). May they all rot in hell with Almighty Satan. Mmmm... lemon tarts are goooood :D
Dear Blob,
Nice defense of your friend, but I am wondering... do you feel guilty for putting him up to it?
It's funny 'cause it's true!
Does this mean I'm less than six degrees separated from Obama Bin Laden??? Cool!
I thought Barry's cover was hilarious, but pretty edgy and I can see why the shit is hitting the fan. Now he knows how Salman Rushdie feels! Our thoughts will be with you as you take on that new identity, Barry! Keep sending us notes on the Blob so as to keep in touch with the old crowd. We'll know who you are!
P.S. I'm with Maria 100%, lemon tarts ARE good!
Lemon tarts just happened to be the favorite dessert of Saddam Hussein....are the Callous women radical islamic sympathizers???
On a lighter note it's great to see that regular sex hasn't made Maria C. any less bitter and foul-mouthed PHEW!!!
If anything it's made me more so! You should send my gentleman-love a thank you note!
ps, it wouldn't do you any harm either...
Barry had a whole episode of the Daily Show dedicated to his cartoon last night! (except for the 5 minutes spent on interviewing Pierce Bronson)
Yeah, yeah, yeah...what's more important is that he was a featured "hot topic" on The View.
I'd kill to be a hot topic on The View!!
Maria...what the f**k are you talking about?? what wouldn't do me any harm...regular sex?, being more foul mouthed and bitter? thanking everyone? You've baffled me once again.
All of the above.
And baffle me this, Blobman: How is it that we've been spending so much time on T & A (and politics, for some reason), that we've forgotten completely about E!! I hate to be the one to bring this up, but there's a significant lack of Euph around here. Maybe it's the morning coffee talking, but I think we need to get back on the horsey here, and fight the good fight once more!!... what was I talking about again... ?
Thanks for talking about my picture. I've taken a
harsher beating in the press than that bastard
Brian Mulroney ever did, and now I come to visit
your site for a little relaxation, and I have to put up
with crap from the likes of Maria Callous and
BoneMikexxster. [or whoever the hell all these people are]
Can't you police your site or something?
Police the site???? I'll go you one better...I know where these two clowns live. Say the word and I'll begin an onslaught of harrassment that will have them begging for mercy.
Prank phone calls, ringing the doorbell and running away, sneaking up from behind and tapping the shoulder least expected or pressing the crook of their leg causing it to buckle at the knee, calling out their names from behind a hedgerow (and then running away).
Sounds like fun, and not as expensive as a trip to the Adirondacks! Count me in!
Hi Guys,
I like this one:
Wow, I hadn't seen that JonSwift post, that makes
me feel much better. [though still not good]
Thanks, PartyBear, or BoneMikexxster, or
whoever the hell you are.
Dear Troy,
You should feel as good as possible! The whole problem, which your New Yorker cartoon has brought up, is that our society is intellectually lazy and consequently fatheaded!
Keep up the good work!
You and this Jon Swift character need to get together! He's pretty funny, TOO!
Keep drawing funny, BB!
Hey, Jon Swift, I've got a joke for ya:
What's better than eating a dead baby with a fork and knife?
...... eating it with your BARE HANDS!!
Maria, yikes, how could you print a joke like that in a reputable blog? Someone might think you actually enjoy eating dead babies with your bare hands! I happen to know that you really enjoy eating two-year-olds for breakfast, (and who could blame you? you barely made it out alive yourself!) so at least I, for one, know that you were just joshin'. Please, the rest of you, don't alert the (real)Media, she was just kidding, honest!!!
(You were, weren't you, dear?)
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