Dixxx said...
Dear Blob,
Dear Blob,
Is there such a thing as kosher porn?
A few days ago Dixxx, a regular contributor, asked this of me and may have felt that I was ignoring him. The truth of the matter is that I've been researching the question and have had a lot of trouble coming up with what one may actually call kosher porn. Kosher laws are of course dietary and while there is a crossover between food, eating, and sex most famously exhibited in this scene from the Japanese screen classic Tampopo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNB7LLa1BsA I can't honestly say that there's much erotic potential in kreplach, tzimmes, schmalz herring and other Jewish favorites.
I was about to give up when I came across a site devoted to teaching kosher law to today's internet generation using strong images that many of us older folks might find distasteful. Said Lubavitcher Rabbi and creator of the site Mordechai Blaustein; "Sometimes it takes a picture with a little zetz (oomph) to get the kids today to remember. We're not allowed to beat them anymore so we use images of sex and violence just like the machers (big shots) out in Hollywood."

I'm not going to reprint the whole catalogue of rules and accompanying pictures but here's just one example using a kosher salami that I like to call "Hung Jewry".
OK Maria. I hope you're satisfied and inspired enough to get out there and find your own attractive, intelligent, kind, funny, talented, industrious, doting,single,heterosexual,young man. (they're a dime a dozen) The Blob as sausage fest has had it's day and now it's time to move on. Best of luck.
Thanks for looking out for me Blobby. I've no doubt that the sausages will be bouncing their way to me in no time!
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