SLIMY: Hey, hi, and hello to Blobophiles of all ages. I guess everybody is having a great time on their Christmas vacation but if you're like me then you're probably getting a bit bored by now and you know what that means...
KIDS: We have to make our own fun!!!!
SLIMY: Exactly and what could be more fun than starting a rumor. Let's see...hmmm....any ideas. Yes...Timmy?
TIMMY: What about the assassination of Benazir Bhutto???
SLIMY: That's a terrific idea Timmy!!
She was a famous lady who believed in freedom and who wanted to be president again, just like she used to be, but other people from that place called Pakistan think that ladies should just make babies and supper. Meanwhile American president George Bush made friends with Pervez Musharraf (who is the sneaky president of Pakistan now) so that he could help kill the bad terrorists. Pervez and his very strong army were helping a lot which is also good for Israel, a country that the bad Arabs want to destroy but Benazir was so popular that everyone was secretly afraid that she'd win the election and not be as good at killing the bad guys.
The Americans pretended to like her but still sent 11 BILLION dollars to Pervez because he was the best killer friend they had, even though they don't know where most of that money went...yes Cindy???
CINDY: Does that mean that they really didn't want Mrs. Bhutto to win an election??
SLIMY: It sure seems that way and she was killed because one of the crazy, bad Arabs got really close to her car and shot her in the head and then blew everybody up. She had asked Pervez for more people to protect her but she never got them. Does anyone know who's really responsible for the shooting??.....Jaden?
JADEN: ummm....the Mod Squad??
KIDS: (howls of raucous and derisive laughter)
SIMON: I think he means the Mossad, the secret service from Israel
SLIMY: Very good Simon and so who is really responsible for all this mess......come on, I'm sure you all know.....
KIDS: The Jews!!!!!
SLIMY: Exactly!!!!
Blobbelech, it seems you're really upset by this issue. And even though I don't know anything about politics, I admire people who take the times ton watch the news and crap. I love 30 rock. best show ever. will arnett man, he can do whatever he wants to me. fuckin hot man. What was i talking about? Ya, pakistan. Awesome. Bush sucks the big one. Oops, I can't find the rest of my wine. Hang on, I'll be right back......
The point is, I think that since no one is writing about your post, ÙYou should probably return to subjects like euphoniuums, wait not those, theyre losers, I think you should write about lipstick or car stereos or wine or something. As much as my dad likes slimy, us fucking morons only care about superficial things like cars and handgliders and carp. Fickle. I mean fuck. So I figure the next time we get into one of these rumble, I'll get you right between the kissers. Yeeeeeaaaah.
I'm not drunk. btw.
...and I'm not Jewish.
Senor Blobber! Yes,I know; technically, I am quite dead-but now, I am feeling so very much alive!! New as I am to your wonderful "Blob" (how funny it is!), may I just say, how happy, how gay I am to be reading it! This Maria Callous-such a lively (and lovely, I'm sure!) vixen!!! Truly, she is so very much like the smoothest, the most luxurious, yes, the finest Corinthian leather (yet somehow, even so much, much more pliable!!!) money can buy!!! How can I meet this "princess" here in the underworld??? Tell me Senor Blobber!! Tell me!!!!!
Alright, la! La, la? Home, same old palm trees right there where they were when I left. Cat estatic to have me back...oh so wonderful to be loved!
Errr, in shorts and tank, raining outside but still warm and sultry nevertheless. Scratch the cat, he purring and so deparately trying to key in his own special message on my keyboard but I'm too clever for him...my mitt on his ear so as not to allow paw, whoops now chin, make major typos in catspeak. Ahh, but I wax poetic.
Great seeing you all, miss you, don't miss ice-slipping, tooth breaking, bad assed sidwalks in Mtl. though, ya, ya shit boots! They were cool though - the look baby, the look...
Someone gets a taste of the old west and suddenly the vixens of the underworld aren't good enough for old ricardo. And something tells me he'd actually sway more toward the prince of the underworld. I don't know what they call him up there but down here we refer to him as Trevvv.
And I don't know if Ricardo's a man to be trusted. The sneaky bastard has already run off with poor Mikexxxster's keyboard.
Rumor has it that Underworld Princess will be showing up at Dixxx's New Year's bash after she attends another party and realizes that all the boys her age are either dweebs,gay,or already have girlfriends.
Maria, go to your room and do your homework.
Finally...a little parental guidance!!
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