Just back from the Party Palace in Kingston after the 1st annual Blobophile Convention.
Fans of all ages, sexes, and colors (from pasty white to mildly embarassed pink) were in attendance including Party Bear, The Callouses (Maria and Mama) and a brief cameo walk-on by none other than Mikexxxster.
As the convention coincided with Christmas the usual trappings of ornament covered tree, decorative stockings and traditional Yule puke bucket were in evidence but nobody was really there to celebrate the birth of Jesus. This was instead a chance for all Blob lovers to buy and sell Blob memorabilia, trade anecdotes and get updated on the latest goings on at their favorite blog.
Here's a fascinating tidbit overheard at a convention soirée; "I hear The Blob received an award from the TRA (Turkmenistan religious authority) for using humor to help bridge the gap between Baluchistan and Khyrgystan!"
I think that says it all...a virtual non-stop funfest!!!
About now you're probably asking "OK, fine....so why the naked chick??" and well you may ask.
My room, while lovingly appointed was windowless and pitch black at all hours of the day (if the door was closed). As it so happened one wall seperated me from the lower floor bathroom and while it was made of stone there was a wooden section in the corner that was opposite the shower. I noticed 3 pinholes of light coming from that area one morning and decided to investigate. Sure enough some pervert had drilled through the wood so he could peak into the stall and sorrounding area. One hole was at foot fetish level, the 2nd was for viewing genitalia and buttocks and the 3rd higher still for face and chest areas. Whiler I never actually made use of these peepholes I was leaving before the rest of the guests and I was afraid that the holes would be discovered and I'd be blamed in absentia (which is probably the worst place to be blamed in). "
Should I say something or just hope for the
Pakistani oppostion leader Benazir Bhutto is dead. Now back to The Blob
........geez......sorry about that but this is a sickening if not unexpected event that may have serious repercussions for us all. Bhutto was a true democrat and patriot who's courage in the face of mindless extremism may prove to be an even greater force in death than it was in life. The moderates in the Muslim world must rise up and take back their religion.
Ms. Bhutto, besides being a reknowned stateswoman was also #2 after Segolene Royale, on the Blob FLILF list (ed. note: the FL stands for foreign leader). She will be sorely missed.
The global instability emanating from the middle east has forced oil prices even higher. As a result the Canadian dollar has seen a dramatic increase in its value which in turn benefits me no end. I'll be leaving for Colombia in less than a week and thanks to all the turmoil my purchasing power will be even greater than it was when I was there last year!..... "Camarero, make that two orders of ceviché and keep the change!!"
More later as events unfold.
HI, Blobbie! Nice to be back from the PP, although it was really fun and all. Those peepholes, and considering their placement, they can be nothing less, make me wonder whether we should return next year. Maybe there was also a hidden peephole camera that you somehow missed in your sleep-deprived state. You're good at surfing the nets, you should see if you can find any naked pics of the pubic areas (say, a square inch or so!) of any of our guests. Wait a minute, that would include my daughter, Maria C!! Never mind!!
Little Willie was a chemist.
Little Willie is no more.
For what he thought was H2O,
Was H2SO4.
Oh mercy, ha ha.....
Hi Mama C,
The Party palace was indeed fun and yes there was a hidden camera and plenty of photos...all sorts of people in various stages of undress flossing, pumicing, what have you. Unfortunately you're gonna have to wait till my soon-to- be-up-and-running pay site is up and running to see them. I can't just keep giving this stuff away!!!
That's a nice poem and all but it seems as though your writing style, like the great Irishman James Joyce, is strongly influenced by booze. I look foreward to the end of the holiday season and some posts from you that are a little more cogent and apropos but 1st the New Year's Eve bash at your place. Let's parté!!!
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