Maria Callous said...
Blob! What the effseeyoukay? This may be the cosmo talking, but I think you should post a cock shot or something for us ladies. I'm sick of this beaver farm you've created.
Blob! What the effseeyoukay? This may be the cosmo talking, but I think you should post a cock shot or something for us ladies. I'm sick of this beaver farm you've created.
This was the gist of the comment that a slightly inebriated Maria C. wrote re: the Dec 11th post. Feel free to read the rest.
I understand her concern but part of me is thinking that she is blowing this issue way out of proportion. Very few posts on The Blob deal with genitalia and the male to female ratio of those that do is fairly well split right down the middle! There is little if any gender bias here.

Still though, I aim to please and it just so happens to be National Penis Week in declared by Dictator Hugo Chavez in commemoration of a self portrait that he did as a child that his most fervent disciples now see as a prophetic image of future power and dominance.
So there's your "cock shot" Maria, maybe not as explicit as you'd hoped but a hot blooded opera singer such as yourself must at least appreciate the fact that it's not a "flaccido domingo". I've built this site from the ground up always keeping in mind that The Blob is a place for open minded and immature people. If it's porn you want I've heard that some is available, possibly for free even, on the internet. By all means, let me know if you have any success!
Speaking of building I'd like to say a few words about our beloved white elephant, the Olympic Stadium, home to the Montreal Expos before they moved to Washington a couple of years ago. It's a crumbling, concrete behemoth, built in a scuzzy, out-of-the-way part of town. It was supposed to have had a working retractable roof but it only ever worked for a couple of months and has long since been fixed in place all for the low cost of a billion dollars!! The arrogant Parisian architect responsible for this monstrosity is named Roger T
aillibert and recently some words he spoke in 2001 have come back to haunt him. Check out the pic....another cock shot for Maria C. and my female readership....happy now????

Oh My god!
I believe that says it all. I have to go and try and forget I ever saw that.
Gin might work, or gouging my eyes out...
Sorry about have to agree that Taillibert got what he deserved though. It's nice to see that somebody involved with the whole olympic fiasco finally kept their word AND you should be thankful that I didn't zoom in any closer. In the original version (forewarded to me by my GF) you can actually see the talcum powder. You'd think that chaffing would be the least of your worries in such a situation!
Gotta go now...have a strange hankering to watch "The Color Purple"
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