There are no limits to human creativity, none!! As the new year approaches I can't help but get a little reflective (and I don't mean my sweaty, glistening forehead). Looking back on this past year of Blobbing it's safe to say that I'm still amazed by the heights and depths of human achievement and today's photo manages to exemplify both at once.
I'm sorry if it offends either fans of the Simpson's (this is not at all likely) or the more prudish among us. I happen to think that the human body is a miraculous gift from God and should be displayed unclothed within certain age, gender, and weight limits.
While this photograph provides ample inspiration for dozens of tasteless jokes
(i.e. Homer's 5 o'clock shadow, Homer needing a breath mint etc.) I'll abstain and let this image speak for itself.

Okay, I know I'll never know the answer to this question, but is that a permanent tatoo?? What's that going to be like in fifty years?? Oy vey... All I know is that chick likes Homer way more than I do.
Oh ye of little faith...this is The Blob, of course you'll know the answer and here it is now:
The tattoo in question has the tell tale sheen of a temporary body painting (I just let a bad post-related joke go by without typing it....there goes another one. This is very difficult for me)
Anyways you needn't worry. In 50 years that'll just look like a 75 year old vagina.
I dont' get it.
What guy would want to play with that?
As Bart said in the Mini-golf episode of long ago (when the show was good): "play it where it lays, Homer".
Why do I think that my old trailer trash flame Cody might have something to do with this picture. Come to think of it, I think his girlfriend has that same belt!
...or the episode where Homer says to Marge; "Why didn't the dentist ask me to say AHHHH?" and Marge says; "Homey, that was a gynecologist!"..."DOH"!!
Maria C. I hadn't heard of Cody but it may well have been him. Where do you find these guys???? I hope you don't have a body paint allergy!
You've done it again, Blobbie! Thank you!! Now I know why I've always found Homer to be so curiously attractive!!!
You've done it again, Blobbie!! Thank you!! Now I know why I've always found Homer to be so curiously unattractive!!!
homer blowjob. what a feeling:)
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