One of the most utterly tasteless and comedically brilliant moments in Woody Allen's body of work occurs during the "What's My Perversion" game show parody in the film Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Sex. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTWJwToMh3E
(SPOILER ALERT: watch the clip before reading on!!!)
At the end of the show an elderly Rabbi gets to live out his perverted fantasy and is bound to a chair while a tall Aryan woman whips him and his wife kneels at his feet and eats pork.
Besides dealing with submission, domination, and humiliation Mr. Allen is speaking directly to the human desire to taste of the forbidden fruit, perceived as being so delicious and desireable precisely because of its unattainable nature.
During the last week or so I've watched as this predisposition is playing itself out right here at The Blob. Using Site Meter I can track how many hits my site has and what country they originate from and it so happens that traffic from Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria etc.) is way up! We're talki
ng zero to dozens in the space of a few days and it wasn't long before I figured out why. The image at left from a May 22nd, 2007 post about the absence of Jewish porn has been flying around Arab cyberspace faster than a suicide bombers head after a "martyrdom event".

"What's up with that??" I asked myself and sure enough after a bit of internet research I had my answer courtesy of the following article:
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict apparently does not disturb and even encourages Arab internet users from consuming kosher Hebrew porn. Operators of a number of porn sites report that between two and 10% of their users arrive from Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Jordan, Egypt, and the Palestinian Authority. Some websites even go as far as offering services in Arabic.
In the past several months we see an increase in traffic from countries that have no diplomatic ties with Israel including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt," Shahar said.
Due to the demand, Shahar added an Arabic version of the site. Looking at photos
"We get hundreds of hits from surfers that live in countries where porn is prohibited," said Gil Naftali owner and operator of another Hebrew sex site, SexV. "We don't have an Arabic version because users log in to watch photos and video clips that require no explanations."
According to site statistics, last month there were over 2,000 hits from Riad, the capital of Saudi Arabia. The average time a Saudi surfer spends on SexV is 17:23 minutes.
Data also shows that 10 percent of the visitors to the most popular sex site in Israel, Domina, are Arabic speakers. "That is because we offer content in their language," said Tzahi who operates the site.
In the past several months we see an increase in traffic from countries that have no diplomatic ties with Israel including Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Egypt," Shahar said.
Due to the demand, Shahar added an Arabic version of the site. Looking at photos
"We get hundreds of hits from surfers that live in countries where porn is prohibited," said Gil Naftali owner and operator of another Hebrew sex site, SexV. "We don't have an Arabic version because users log in to watch photos and video clips that require no explanations."
According to site statistics, last month there were over 2,000 hits from Riad, the capital of Saudi Arabia. The average time a Saudi surfer spends on SexV is 17:23 minutes.
Data also shows that 10 percent of the visitors to the most popular sex site in Israel, Domina, are Arabic speakers. "That is because we offer content in their language," said Tzahi who operates the site.
It seems as though Arabs have been googling "Jewish Porn" and are being directed to the May 22nd Blob post. They in turn tell their friends and relatives all over ther Middle East, Europe, and N. America and voila....my readership numbers have skyrocketed. A hearty Salaam Aleikum to all my Arab brethren. Who knew that a little bit of kosher ass would help bridge the gap between our two great peoples!!
Crap, I went to the link then spent an hour looking at a bunch of other videos - dog fucking at its finest!...look up the crazy penguin and the polar bear, one of my favourite Fri/Mon videos.
Wow!!! That's one extremely lazy bear. Suddenly I don't feel as bad about myself anymore.
oh, but doesn't it just feel like a Monday when you see that one? I'm still drunk from all the champagne I drank last night at a Xmas party - have to go to Montreal if only to sober up - they can booze here, oy!
Hey Blobbie,
Let's have something really uplifting (O.K., the Homer thing warmed my heart's cockles, but we need something for the ladies too!)
Heart's cockles? Will you show me what those are when I show up at your's and Mama Bear's place on Dec 30?
Will they help me glide down the hill faster on New Years' Eve at Tremblant?
Dear Blob,
Is there such a thing as kosher porn? I imagine it would have something to do with how the rabbi directs the scene, or kills the pig, or something.
Blob! What the effseeyoukay? This may be the cosmo talking, but I think you should post a cock shot or something for us ladies. I'm sick of this beaver farm you've created. As much as I love homer, I hate starting up my computer, typing in my password, booting up my internet connection, loading up the Blob, just to see something that would take me as much effort as looking down in the shower. Half your devoted fans are chicks who love-- ok maybe this is the cosmos talking. Well you got the picture.
...went to a birthday party at Calico Jack's, Maria C., and 2 guys got loaded enough to give us a show. Where was my camera??? One of them who also happens to be a friend of mine could be a porno star, if you get my drift...woo!
See y'all Thursday night, start skaken' up the cosmos.
Cock shots might offend your Middle Eastern readership, let alone Mikester. Can't say I'm a fan myself.
Dear Maria,
Of my more than 300 posts only
4 and 1/2 that I can recall off hand have depicted either by way of a link or actual photo the female genitalia. Not really a beaver farm, maybe a smaller operation like a travelling petting zoo.
Don't forget about my "El Pino" post and the strangely erotic and penile YouTube link of timelapsed mushroom growth which would turn the crank of any woman and many men. I can understand that logging on to vag-Homer 2 days in a row may not be your cup of tea so I plan to come through with a little something for my hungry female readership as soon as I get finished shovelling (Dixxx's reservations about displaying his namesake not withstanding).
As for you looking down in the shower and seeing Homer I'd like to be your agent, especially if this a naturally occuring phenomenon like a birthmark. Similar images of the Virgin Mary have made their owners millions (especially when the stigmata kicks in)!!!
Mr. Welles likes his coq au vin made with real cock.
Toronto Mave,
My cockles are all yours. I hope Torontoman is not reading this!
Enough with the cock puns! Sheesh.
As much as I agree with Maria that in all fairness we should have some cock shots to balance out the female genitalia shots(with or without Homers), I actually would prefer a moratorium on all genitalia pictures on this Blob. Let's pretend we're a little more highbrow than that, shall we.
BOOO! to mama c! BOOOOO!
Mama C,
I must come to my own defense once again in light of your last comment. As previously stated, in my over 300 posts precious few have overtly dealt with sex organs. When you consider how much time we as a species spend obsessing about genitalia my 3 or 4per cent such posts are well within the realm of decency..especially for the internet!
As for highbrow or lowbrow the Homer pic is admittedly crass but the creativity involved and the uncanny likeness achieved make it Blob-worthy. I agree however that the bad puns did nothing to heighten the tone around here.
I appreciate that you chose to take issue with the content in a polite, written form. I guess you feel as I do that the penis mightier than the sword.
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