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Monday, December 10, 2007

You want stupid?? I'LL show you stupid!!!

Watch this clip first and we can discuss it afterwards....go ahead, I can wait...................................................................................................OK? All right , I'll wait some more, no problem.............................................................................Ready?? Good.

When discussing personal well being the realms of philosophy and theology often intersect. When this happens on The View and the actress Sherri Sheperd is involved we the viewers can add jaw dropping incredulity to the mix. I suppose there will always be stupid people but surely we can find a way to keep them from having an electronic pulpit where they can preach their ignorance to the masses.
Maybe I'm being a bit too hard on Sherri. It's easy for us to guffaw but she may have been making a very subtle argument for the primacy of the holy trinity where Jesus as one 3rd of the divine triumvirate has existed for all eternity but only appeared as the fleshy, beardy,manifestation of God some 2000 years ago......nah..... she's just stupid!
Then again, who says that just because she's on TV she has to know everything. All of us watch TV every day but how many of us really know how it works. Sherri has just managed to get through life without knowing what the letters BC mean when placed after a year.
These things happen.


Maria Callous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Stupid people are awesome.

I, on the other hand, have developed a nice system where if I don't know something, I just keep my mouth shut. It's too bad that americans (oops did I say americans? I meant morons) can't keep their ignorant mouths shut. Oh well. At least there's a place where all those people can come and be themselves and not feel the least bit censored. All hail the sactuary of Blobbele!

slapper58 said...

That truly is the best system Maria and one which I used some 10 years ago when I didn't know something at a party (nobody was the wiser!!) I plan on using it again the next time I don't know something. Seriously though it's a very respectful way to behave and also a good way to learn. You're 100% right...if more people would just sit down, shut up, and listen the world would be a better place although I'd have less stupid-people-related Blob material. That's an interesting dilemma. I think I'll mull it over while watching stupid people on Entertainment Tonight....bye.