Here's a shoutout to Arielle, the daughter of a very special friend who we'll just refer to as "Phyllis". Said daughter can be found these days in the murky marshes of northern Alberta up to her ass in Daphnia and other tiny creatures. In answer to your question Arielle; NO....do not use sugar formalin as a preservative for zooplankton! I'd definitely go with a 95% ethanol solution to set and 70% for storage especially if the samples will only be needed for a few months. Its far safer and more cost effective. As to your other question about what to do with your male, dateable, co-worker who you spend day after day alone with in the bush well......let's not forget that your Mom was your age once. Ask her what she would have done! (and how many times...)
1 comment:
Thanks for the input ArieLLE. The appropriate corrections have been made although I'm a bit sad to learn that brackish has a more limited use than I'd thought. I'm not too sad about Daphnia and more or less unaffected by the proper spelling of your name. As for my psychic powers I see you at a movie with a "different" type of a guy in the near future.
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