Leadbelly of N.D.G. writes: (an actual contributor)
How do you stand on the whole mechanical pencil issue? When they first came out they were made of little bits of pencil stacked on top of each other. You had to take the dull one out and stick it in the bottom to get a sharp lead. How did you feel when you rammed that faded bit of lead (maybe with a little too much violence) into its final resting place?
Allow me to reply:
While I do love pencils and realize that they are clearly some sort of phallic symbol, the not-so-subtle erotic underpinnings of your post gave rise to a couple of questions of my own.
- How are things at home with you and the old man? (if you know what I mean)
- Did you know what you were doing when you wrote "stick it in the bottom" and "rammed with a little too much violence into its final resting place" or are you just plain innocent?
- Is it hot in here or is it me?
As for mechanical pencils I do have a certain amount of nostalgia for the early pushy ones but in general they're annoying (even the best modern ones). Gimme the old wood'n'graphite any day!
Man, I am naive. I was just thinking of your mania for the lead n' graphite and I thought you might be angry at the userping new-fangled high-tech. But I like the way your mind works, Blob!
PhyllIIIIISSS!! (said a la Colonel Klink's famous, exasperated "hogan" reprimand)
Embattledbeaver raises some interesting points... Maybe you should come clean, Blob!
Its MY pencil, I've had it for as long as I can remember and as for the "handful" of people whom I've ever let handle it well let's just say I have trust issues Okay??!!! HAPPY!!?
As for embattled beaver its a wonder I let a beaver anywheres NEAR my pencil what with their huge, sharp teeth and penchant for gnawing on wood!
Blob, if you had done your homework or at least researched your own memory banks ......tee hee.... you would acknowledge the fact that it is only the lesser known SWEDISH BEAVER whose teeth can actually harm a pencil. The danish beaver's teeth have an ameliorative effect.
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