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Saturday, July 08, 2006

Surviving Hornby - The Return of the Blob!

Espionage Elle said...
"Work has been especially painful with Blob away on vacation. Come back soon!"

You're right Elle, it wasn't really an anthropological expedition of discovery but a vacation, a simple camping trip with Phyllis and 15 members of her family including her 5 month old great niece and her 72 year old mother. I did a bit of observation and dynamics, kinship bonds....that sort of thing. I was also able to take note of people's survival skills when pushed to the limit in a new and unfamiliar environment. I mean 17 people and only 1 lemon reamer, the daily right wing bias of the National Post, a complete lack of rain, 6 consecutive hot sunny days, and cool nights , a depleted stock of soft taco shells at the nearby co-op, having to lug driftwood from the nearby and expansive white sand beaches for our nightly campfires. All these hardships and more were overcome with nary a complaint uttered.
The dozens of Montreal bagels I'd brought along were consumed almost immediately after a bit of roasting on brother Carl's 3 burner nuclear/propane powered stove but don't despair.....I reserved a few back in Phyllis's freezer and am now working on a plan to get them to Edmonton and into your hands before they get eaten by the ravenous Jensen's.
As for the Blob the next 3 weeks should prove challenging as I'll be posting from Priddis, Alta. using a primitive dial-up modem. I may be able to throw in a photo here and there but any photoshop fun or web site links will have to wait. Think of it as Blob Lite.

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