I snuck back into town a couple of nights ago and have been basically sleeping off my 2 week working vacation. I'm ready to ease back into the business of blobbing but don't yet feel up to describing the Colombian experience. Perhaps another book review will help kick start The Blob once again and it's a kid's book at that. I've always been a big fan of children's literature and especially those books that help the young ones deal with some of life's messier dilemmas. If you're the parent of a shy child who wets his or her bed then this is the book for you. The tough-love, whole-family disapproval approach to the problem, while controversial, is now being accepted by child psychologists as a last gasp strategy before institutionalization (ed. note: you have just read the longest word ever published in The Blob) Buy this book and before long you'll be able to kiss those urine encrusted, plastic sheets goodbye!!
Blob -
Wow! Roughly 175 words [and a photoshopped
image] to justify a single pun! [albeit a funny
one, but still, Wow!]
Welcome back though.
Kent you asshole!!! It's great to be back....let's not forget the painstaking work that went into creating the actual urine stain on the pink overalls. While were at it let's not forget the immortal and pertinent words of one Jean-Baptiste Poquelin better known as playwright and satririst Moliere:
Un seul jeu de mot
Un seul image
Un seul justification et
Un seul Dieu
I needn't say more.
Blob -
In my haste to criticize and belittle [not to mention cavil at], I failed to even notice the urine stain on the overalls. Smart boy wanted! I hope you'll forgive.
By the way, I see that Art Buchwald, who got his start as a copy-editor at the Blob, died today. Go easy on
him, Lord.
Very well put, Blob. You put that Kent whatshisname in his place. Nothing like quoting Moliere to make people realize how dumb they are. I've used that ploy many times. Pretty much everyone around me has an inferiority complex. Ha!!
Thanks Vivvy....I'd stop using Moliere around your husband though. You'd be better off building him up then tearing him down and as such should be quoting someone who'd make him feel superior....how about Maya Angelou?
Apology accepted Kent...sometimes my work is so subtle that I don't even catch what I've done!!
I too was sorry to hear about the passing of my old cohort Art Buchwald. Your comment was well researched (bravo!). Art did indeed start out with me on the Blob years ago.....he as a 35 year old newsman finally getting to let loose as a writer and me as a 4 year old whiz kid with a typewriter and a dream. Here's hoping that The Blob outlives the both of us....him,me....the both of us.
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